Thursday, October 12, 2023

2023 Pumpkins

Still have to purchase a few more pumpkins for this year's haunt, but we're holding off for another week to see how these hold up. Went with more smaller ones because we're going to try displaying some of them a tad differently this year. Plus we have a lot of other small detail props to squeeze in along the "gauntlet". The gauntlet is what we call the path from our driveway to our front porch. Trick-or-treaters must be brave enough to walk through the gauntlet to get their treats, which are full sized Twix bars this year. Mr. Haunted Eve felt last year's gauntlet wasn't really scary, so he's taking a page from Mr. Gideon Hackles (Tales From The Dark Side: Trick or Treat episode) and wanted to up the "creepy" factor for this year's haunt.


  1. Oooh, curious to read how things come together. It sounds fun. Pumpkins are looking great Hope they're holding out alright!

  2. Ha - walk the gauntlet as full size Twix are not for the faint of heart.
