Friday, September 4, 2020

Attic Hatch Yard Haunt's Mega-Rilla

The Attic Hatch Halloween Yard Haunt in Clinton Twp, Michigan has been working hard this past year on a new creation for their haunt: Mega-rilla. It's a sight to behold and we can't wait to see pictures of the Mega-rilla fully completed and on the roof of the haunt comes late October. The 4th annual "Neighbor-Haunt" in Clinton Twp is going forward this year with some changes due to the pandemic situation. For more information on the "Neighbor-Haunt" click here. We're happy to see other haunters pressing forward this year with yard displays. People can go around and see the displays for Halloween in late October the same way people drive around to see Holiday light displays and decorations in December, all while keeping socially distanced and avoiding large crowds/gatherings.


  1. Looks like a great idea. My neighbors are too dull for such an undertaking.

  2. Just ran across this. Appreciate the shout out!
